What are we doing?

We're developing our first Woollahra Arts and Culture Strategy and four-year Action Plan to help provide strategic direction for arts and culture across the Woollahra Local Government Area.

The Strategy will a provide a comprehensive understanding of the arts community’s needs and identify strengths, existing cultural assets and any gaps and opportunities to address them. Read more about the strategy in our FAQs below.

Have your say

We want to hear from you about your experiences of creative life in Woollahra and your ideas for creating a vibrant and inclusive community where arts and culture thrive.

Please complete our survey below by Friday 10 May 2024. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. All surveys will be treated confidentially. Alternatively you can share your ideas via our ideas board below.

We accept feedback via one of the following methods:

  • Survey: complete the survey below
  • Online ideas board: Post your idea on our ideas board below
  • Email: records@woollahra.nsw.gov.au quoting reference - SC7554
  • Mail: Address your letter to the General Manager at Woollahra Council, PO Box 61, Double Bay NSW 1360 quoting reference - SC7554

Feedback closes Friday 10 May 2024.

Come along to our workshops

We're hosting workshops to hear from the community, businesses and local service providers. We want to hear your ideas for creating a vibrant and inclusive community where arts and culture thrive.

Community workshop, Thursday 18 April 2024 6pm-8pm, Council Chambers, 536 New South Head Rd Double Bay. RSVPs have now closed

Local service providers workshop, Tuesday 30 April 2024 10.30am-12pm, Council Chambers, 536 New South Head Rd Double Bay. RSVPs have now closed.

Business workshop, Tuesday 30 April 2024, 6pm-7.30pm, Council Chambers, 536 New South Head Rd Double Bay. RSVPs have now closed.


Ideas board