The Woollahra Council Enforcement Policy 2022 was adopted by Council on 28 November and takes effect on that date.
The Policy will assist Council Officers to act promptly, consistently and effectively in response to allegations of unlawful activity.
This Policy applies to regulatory issues including investigation and enforcement of matters within Council’s area of responsibility including, but not limited to:
- development and building control
- environmental heritage and heritage conservation
- tree preservation
- fire safety
- public health and safety
- pollution control
- animal control
- food safety
- environmental health
- regulation of public spaces (including impounding of unattended property)
- regulation of parking.
The Policy provides a framework to assist Council in making decisions in its enforcement functions. It establishes clear guidelines for the exercise of the discretion the Council must use in dealing with unlawful activity, taking into account all relevant information including the available evidence, cost to the community, the circumstances of the individual case and public policy and precedent considerations.
The Draft Policy was placed on public exhibition for comment from Wednesday 1 June 2022 to Friday 1 July 2022.
Thank you to everyone that participated and made a submission. The exhibition is now closed, but you can still read the exhibition documents on this page and find out more in our FAQs and links to important related documents.
To stay up-to-date with Council’s consultations, please register for Your Say Woollahra.
See privacy note under FAQs section.
Make an online submission
Share your feedback on the Draft Woollahra Enforcement Policy 2022
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.