
Extraordinary Woollahra Local Traffic Committee - 8 November 2022

3 November 2022

Council will hold an Extraordinary Woollahra Local Traffic Committee on Tuesday, 8th November 2022, at 1.00pm, to consider the recommendation that:

A. The concept design plan for the proposed permanent road closure for Knox Street, Double Bay, between Bay Street and Goldman Lane, and the proposed ‘one-way’ eastbound traffic flow for Knox Street, Double Bay, between Goldman Lane and New South Head Road, with proposed parking restrictions and associated signs and line markings (as per Attachment 2 - Concept Design Plan) be approved; and

B. The approval for the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for the proposed permanent road closure and the ‘one-way’ eastbound traffic flow in Knox Street, Double Bay, be received and noted.

Please see below a link to the Agenda for the upcoming Extra-Ordinary Woollahra Local Traffic Committee.

The meeting will be held via teleconference (using Microsoft Teams). All registered speakers will only be able to address the Committee via teleconference (using Microsoft Teams).

To speak at this meeting, please RSVP to Council's Administration Officer - Traffic & Transport, Mr Jonas Manalang on 9391 7997 or by COB Monday, 7 November 2022. Any speakers wishing to address the Committee can only speak up to 3 minutes, and should only raise new comments/matters with the Committee.