Oxford Street East Public Domain and Activation - Transport for NSW

Transport for NSW would like to hear your feedback on public spaces on Oxford Street East from Taylor Square to Centennial Park and what you would like to see improved. Find out more and have your say by Wednesday 31st July 2024.

Centennial Parklands and Callan Park regulation

Greater Sydney Parklands is updating the park regulation for Centennial Parklands (including Moore Park and Queens Park) and Callan Park to bring it in line with best practice park management, guiding safe and equitable use of these iconic urban parks. They are asking for feedback on the draft regulation. Have your say by Wednesday 24 July 2024.

Moore Park South - Greater Sydney Parklands

The NSW Government is proposing to transform 20 hectares of Moore Park South into green open space for community recreation in one of the densest parts of the city. Read more about the project on the Centennial Parklands website.

Darling Point Wharf Upgrade - Transport for NSW

The project has received planning approval and work will take approximately 8 months to complete. The community will be notified before works begin. More information is available on the TfNSW website.

Middle Head / Gubbuh Gubbuh Draft Master Plan - Harbour Trust

The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust created a Middle Head / Gubbuh Gubbuh Draft Master Plan which was placed on public exhibition in 2023. The feedback received from these consultations was incorporated into the Middle Head / Gubbuh Gubbuh Master Plan approved in December 2023.

Oxford Street East Cycleway

Transport for NSW are developing a concept plan for a proposed cycleway on Oxford Street between Taylor Square and Centennial Park Paddington Gates. For more information visit the TfNSW website.