Nominate for a Greater Sydney Parklands community trustee board – Centennial Park and Moore Park

Greater Sydney Parklands is a NSW Government agency, providing a city-wide voice for some of Sydney’s iconic parks, including Centennial Parklands, Western Sydney Parklands, Parramatta Park, Callan Park and Fernhill Estate. Community trustee boards provide local advice on park management and local community issues.

The First Nations representative position on the Centennial Park and Moore Park community trustee board is vacant. The position is voluntary and not remunerated. Nominees must demonstrate sound knowledge of the parkland and ability to communicate effectively with residents, local community groups and other persons who use the parkland.

Complete the EOI form or email for more information. Nominations close 7 March 2025.

Moore Park South - Greater Sydney Parklands

The NSW Government is proposing to transform 20 hectares of Moore Park South into green open space for community recreation in one of the densest parts of the city. Read more about the project on the Centennial Parklands website.

Darling Point Wharf Upgrade - Transport for NSW

The project has received planning approval and work will take approximately 8 months to complete. The community will be notified before works begin. More information is available on the TfNSW website.

Oxford Street East Cycleway

Transport for NSW are developing a concept plan for a proposed cycleway on Oxford Street between Taylor Square and Centennial Park Paddington Gates. For more information visit the TfNSW website.

Save our Sydney Harbour

Waterfront Action Group and other concerned groups have lodged an online petition with the NSW Legislative Assembly asking for the state government to take action to address pollution caused by decaying vessels and orphaned infrastructure in Sydney Harbour. For more information visit the Save our Sydney Harbour website.