This consultation has concluded - thank you for your feedback. The finalised RAP can be viewed here.
Share your feedback on Woollahra's first Reconciliation Action Plan
In 2021 Woollahra Council began developing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) at the Reflect level to guide and drive our reconciliation efforts as a Council. It is a scoping and research document which outlines the steps that Council would need to take to prepare itself for reconciliation initiatives in successive RAPs. Developing a Reflect RAP demonstrates Council’s commitment to understanding and working with the local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities.
Click here to download our draft ‘Reflect’ RAP
Council’s Reflect RAP was prepared in collaboration with the local community, Reconciliation Australia (RA), La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council (La Perouse LALC), the Gujaga Foundation, the Gamay Rangers and Council’s internal RAP Working Group.
The Working Group consists of Council staff from a range of program areas and management levels who are both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. This group was fundamental in developing Council’s Reflect RAP and will continue to support its implementation over the next year.
Our Commitment to Reconciliation
Under Reconciliation Australia's RAP Framework, there are four different types of RAPs. These levels are Reflect, Innovate, Stretch and Elevate. Each type of RAP is designed to suit an organisation at different stages of their reconciliation journey. Council recognises that reconciliation is an ongoing journey which will be undertaken with First Nations people and the wider Woollahra community.
The Reflect RAP will enable Council to build upon the work it has been doing over many years, in partnership with local First Nations persons and communities to identify opportunities to create a more equitable and inclusive community. The Reflect RAP outlines Council's Vision to Reconciliation and identifies actions with clear deliverables and timeframes relating to each of the four themes:
- Relationships
- Respect
- Opportunities
- Governance
In June 2022, Formal Endorsement was received from Reconciliation Australia for Council’s Reflect RAP. This has allowed us to now seek the community's feedback on the draft Reflect RAP.
Have Your Say
Help us shape the final plan by providing your feedback in a short survey below before Monday 29 August 2022.
In Aboriginal culture, the practice of sharing stories and passing on knowledge is called yarning. Please have a yarn with us and share your thoughts about how we can best work together on reconciliation and reflect on what reconciliation means to you by Monday 29 August 2022.
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Have your say on our Draft 'Reflect' RAP
Have Your Say on our Draft 'Reflect' RAP.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.