
Woollahra Council recognises the importance of heritage in our unique built environment. Places are considered significant for their heritage values where they have played an important part in our community's history. School buildings can be significant for not only their historic role in a community, but also their architecture, the people who went there, and more broadly the lasting social connection that a community has with it. Heritage listing celebrates these places and encourages the wider community to experience the values that makes these places special.

About the Planning Proposal

We have prepared a Planning Proposal to list the following two school buildings as local heritage items in Schedule 5 and on the Heritage Map of the Woollahra Local Environmental Plan 2014.

  • ‘Rose Bay Public School - Building E, including interiors’ at 21 Wilberforce Avenue, Rose Bay;
  • ‘McAuley Catholic Primary School - former Christian Brothers College building, including interiors’ at 12 Carlisle Street, Rose Bay.

The planning proposal has been informed by the Draft Heritage Study conducted by Artefact Heritage, the advice of the Woollahra Local Planning Panel (WLPP), and feedback from owners.

The purpose of the planning proposal is to explain the intended effect of an amendment to the Woollahra LEP 2014. An LEP is a legal instrument that zones land and includes standards and controls to regulate the use and nature of development and the management of land. An LEP can also address matters of heritage conservation.

A detailed description of the heritage significance of each item is included in the Final Draft Rose Bay Schools Heritage Assessment, available to download from the 'Document Library' on this page.

Public Exhibition

Following the resolution from Council in May 2024, Council staff submitted the Planning Proposal to DPHI seeking a Gateway Determination to proceed with formal public engagement with all affected land owners (and surrounding owners).

The Gateway Determination was received in August 2024, determining that the Planning Proposal should proceed. Council has been designated to exercise local plan-making authority functions in relation to the planning proposal.

Rose Bay Schools Heritage Assessment

In June 2023, Council staff commissioned consultants Artefact Heritage to investigate the heritage significance of the Rose Bay Public School and McAuley Catholic Primary Schools as part of the Rose Bay Public School and McAuley Catholic Primary School Heritage Assessments. The purpose of the Draft Study was to provide information regarding the historic values of each site, and identify if any of the sites contained significant cultural heritage values to warrant listing at either the local or state level. The draft study included the following:

  • a comprehensive historical analysis of both school sites;
  • internal and external site inspections of all buildings on each site;
  • a robust comparative analysis of other relevant school examples.

A draft Heritage Assessment report was submitted to Council in January 2024 and the recommendations in the report identify that the following buildings meet the threshold for local heritage listing on the Woollahra LEP 2014, Schedule 5. Heritage listing aims to provide the ongoing protection and recognition of the heritage significance of these sites.

At Rose Bay Public School, it was assessed that Building E meets the significance criteria for its historical, associational, aesthetic, rarity and representative values. It is proposed that this building is locally heritage listed.

At McAuley Catholic Primary School, it was assessed that the former Christian Brothers College building meets the significance criteria for its historical, associational, aesthetic, rarity and representative values. It is proposed that this building is locally heritage listed.

Advice of the Woollahra Local Planning Panel

The draft Heritage Assessment was considered by the WLPP on 18 April, 2024. The WLPP reviewed the Heritage Assessment, undertook a site inspection of both buildings, and considered a draft Planning Proposal to amend the local heritage schedule. The WLPP considered the Planning Proposal to have merit and advised Council to progress with the proposed amendments, noting that two palm trees at the front of Building E also contribute to the landscape setting of the building.

Resolution of the Woollahra Environmental Planning Committee, and full Council

The advice of the WLPP was considered and the Planning Proposal was updated in order to reflect their comments. The Planning Proposal and supporting documents were then presented to a meeting of Council's Environmental Planning Committee (EPC) on 6 May 2024. The EPC supported the recommendations of the Planning Proposal. The Planning Proposal was then presented to a full meeting of Council on 13 May 2024. At this meeting, the Planning Proposal was supported unanimously by Councillors, who resolved that Council staff should progress the Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) requesting Gateway Determination.

At the end of the public exhibition period, Council staff will prepare a post-exhibition report summarising the community feedback. This will be presented to a meeting of Council, who will then decide whether to finalise the Planning Proposal and make the subsequent amendments to the Woollahra LEP 2014.

If you would like to stay updated via email, to be notified of the upcoming meetings and future opportunities to address or submit correspondence to the decisions makers, please register for Your Say Woollahra abd press +Follow at the top of this page.

Have Your Say

We accepted feedback on the proposed amendment via the online form below, email or mail.

A hard copy of the exhibition material was available at the Woollahra Council Customer Service area, 536 New South Head Road, Double Bay – 8am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

All submissions received during the exhibition period will be considered by Council.

Public exhibition period was Wednesday 14 August - Sunday 15 September 2024.

See privacy note under FAQs on this page.