Rushcutters Bay Park Playground is getting an upgrade!

We're upgrading Rushcutters Bay Park Playground to make it more inclusive and enjoyable for everyone. We recognise the playground is important to the community and a great place for children to be active and play.

Rushcutters Bay Park is a picturesque harbourside park popular with local residents and visitors. The playground is conveniently situated close to Rushcutters Bay Kiosk and a foreshore walk connecting to Yarranabbe Park.

The fenced playground currently features an accessible bubbler, four bench seats, rubber softfall, swings with two toddler seats and one child seat, a gyro spinner, a toddler activity board, an octopus activity board, a rocking boat, obstacle ropes, a cubby house climbing unit with a slide, ocean-themed animals and shells carved from stone and a see-saw. The playground was identified to be upgraded in our Woollahra Play Space Strategy.

We want to know what you love about the space and what could be improved or added.

Your feedback will help us develop the concept design.

Share your thoughts via the short survey below or upload an image of a play space that you love. Feedback closes 11.59pm Sunday 9 February 2025.

Next steps

We will use your feedback to develop a concept design for the new playground. We will share our concept design with the community and ask for your feedback in mid-2025. The design will then be finalised and construction will take place in early-mid 2026.

Have your say

Share your ideas for Rushcutters Bay Park Playground via the following methods:


Ideas Board