
At its meeting of 25 November 2024, Council considered a post-exhibition report on the matter and resolved to approve the Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 (Amendment No. 32). The amendment took effect on 2 December 2024.

Read the Council resolution and access the Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback to the public exhibition. Your participation is valuable in helping to shape Council's planning controls to ensure they reflect the views of the whole community.

You can still find everything you need to know about the exhibition on this page, including FAQs and links to important documents.

Proposed Amendments

Draft Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 (Amendment 32) (Draft DCP) was on public exhibition between 14 August 2024 to 15 September 2024. The Draft DCP aimed to strengthen and enhance existing controls in Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 (Woollahra DCP) to address potential impacts of seniors housing developments by:

  • strengthening residential streetscape and side setbacks controls to better facilitate development that responds to the context.
  • setting a maximum car-parking rate for seniors housing (independent living units), so rates are consistent with car-parking rates for residential flat buildings (RFBs), manor houses, multi dwelling housing and multi dwelling housing (terraces); and
  • amending the excavation controls to allow a variation of the maximum excavation volume to provide for car parking, storage, servicing equipment in a basement level, similar to the approach taken with RFB development.

The car-parking rates identify the maximum number of parking spaces within a residential development based on the type of residential development and the number of bedrooms in the development.

The proposed increase to side setbacks will also apply to dwelling houses, semi-detached dwellings and dual occupancies in the R2 Low Density Residential Zone on lots with a front width of 25m or more, to provide consistent controls for all development within the streetscape.

The Draft DCP applies to the whole Woollahra Local Government Area.

Public Exhibition

Have your say

We invited feedback on the proposed amendment. Submissions were accepted via the online submission form below or by email and mail.

A hard copy of the exhibition material was available at the Woollahra Council Customer Service area, 536 New South Head Road, Double Bay – 8am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

All submissions received during the exhibition period will be considered by Council.

Public exhibition was from Wednesday 14 August 2024 and closes at 11.59pm, Sunday 15 September 2024.

See privacy note under FAQs on this page.