
Solar energy systems (changes made): The proposed changes relating to solar energy systems were supported by Council. Chapters of the Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 relating to solar energy systems have been amended.

Indoor gas appliances (unchanged): The proposed changes to indoor gas appliances were not supported by Council. Chapters of the Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 relating to indoor gas appliances remain unchanged.


On 11 December 2023, Council considered a report on the public exhibition of the amendment and approved Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 (Amendment 25) to amend existing controls for solar energy systems. The proposed controls for indoor gas appliances were not supported by Council. Minutes of the Council meeting can be viewed here.

Amended chapters can be viewed below and are available in the document library on this page.

Woollahra DCP 2015 - Chapter A1 Introduction

Woollahra DCP 2015 - Chapter A3 Definitions

Woollahra DCP 2015 - Chapter B2 Neighbourhood HCAs

Woollahra DCP 2015 - Chapter C2 Woollahra HCA

Woollahra DCP 2015 - Chapter C3 Watsons Bay HCA

Woollahra DCP 2015 - Chapter D1 Neighbourhood Centres

Woollahra DCP 2015 - Chapter E6 Sustainability

Public exhibition

Woollahra Council exhibited a proposed amendment to the Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 (Woollahra DCP 2015) from 24 October - 26 November 2023.

The proposed amendment sought to:

  • Facilitate a transition away from gas usage in residential development by introducing new objectives and controls for improving indoor air quality
  • Update Council’s existing solar energy system controls to bring them into line with the State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021 (the SEPP)

The provisions for gas proposed the installation of gas appliances, including cooktops, ovens and unflued space heating systems would not be permitted in indoor areas of residential development. The proposed controls would encourage a transition to electric appliances and promote human health by improving indoor air quality.

Changes to the controls for solar energy systems will ensure that Council's requirements are consistent with exempt development provisions under the SEPP. This will provide clarity and certainty to applicants seeking to install solar energy systems within the Woollahra Local Government Area (LGA).

The amendments apply to the entire Woollahra LGA.

We invited feedback on the proposed amendment via the online form, email or mail.

A hard copy of the exhibition material was available at the Woollahra Council Customer Service area, 536 New South Head Road, Double Bay – 8.00am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

Public exhibition closed on Sunday 26 November 2023. All submissions received during the exhibition period were considered by Council.

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