Tell us how you think the community should benefit from development in Woollahra
At its meeting of 10 February 2020 Council approved the Woollahra Voluntary Planning Agreement Policy 2020. Read the full Council resolution here.
The Woollahra Voluntary Planning Agreement Policy establishes a framework for Council to negotiate planning agreements with developers. A planning agreement is a voluntary agreement between Council and a developer, where the developer agrees to make contributions towards a public purpose as part of a development application or planning proposal. Contributions can be monetary, works-in-kind, the dedication of land, or any other material public benefit (or any combination of these).
A recent example of a voluntary planning agreement is the dedication of a 1,300 sqm parcel of land adjacent to Dillon Street Reserve in Paddington, which will increase the size of the reserve. The land was dedicated to Council by Anglicare, the owners of the Old Scottish Hospital site, as part of The Terraces development. Council is currently collaborating with the local community on the design of the park space.
Planning agreements can benefit the community in that they:
- Are a means by which Council can provide public benefits in a timely manner and within a legal framework.
- Can operate in a complementary way with Council’s development contribution and levy plans to provide options for funding the coordinated delivery of public infrastructure and growth.
- Allow for value capture, which is used by all levels of government within Australia to assist with the delivery of public infrastructure.
Planning agreements will apply to development applications which justifiably exceed existing development controls or planning proposals which seek to amend the Woollahra Local Environmental Plan 2014.
The public exhibition period was open from Wednesday 25 September 2019 to Friday 8 November 2019 and has now closed. You can still read our exhibition documents.
Submissions, summaries of submissions, and/or names and email addresses of people making submissions may be included in publicly available reports to Council or Committee Meetings and Council's website.
Please note, in accordance with section 18(1)(b) of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW), you are advised that all submissions received by Council will be placed on the appropriate Council file and may be disclosed to Councillors, Council Officers, consultants to Council or members of the public.