
At its meeting on 29 April 2024, Council resolved to adopt the Edgecliff Commercial Centre Planning and Urban Design Strategy (the ECC Strategy). Read the full Council resolution.

The public exhibition ran from 31 May 2021 to 30 September 2021.

Thank you to everyone who made a submission on the draft ECC Strategy. Your participation was valuable in helping to shape Council's planning controls to ensure they reflect the views of the whole community.

You can still find everything you need to know about the exhibition on this page, including FAQs and links to important documents.

The ECC Strategy is accompanied by the updated Edgecliff Commercial Centre Public Domain Plan (ECC Public Domain Plan) and updated Edgecliff Commercial Centre Transport Study. The documents can be viewed below under 'Document Library'> 'Endorsed Documents'.

In accordance with the Council resolution, a planning proposal that implements the recommendations of the ECC Strategy has been prepared and seeks the following amendments to the Woollahra Local Environmental Plan 2014:

  • Increased building height and FSR controls for nominated sites, where site amalgamation requirements are met;
  • An Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme applying to the uplift sites;
  • A range for non-residential FSRs; and
  • Controls for active frontages, dwelling mix and the public domain.

The planning proposal was reported to the Woollahra Local Planning Panel (Woollahra LPP) on 19 December 2024 for advice, where the Woollahra LPP advised Council to proceed with the planning proposal. The details of the meeting are linked below:

The planning proposal for the Edgecliff Commercial Centre (ECC), along with the advice of the Woollahra LPP, will be reported to a future meeting of the Strategic & Corporate Committee and then Council.

The Strategic & Corporate Committee Meeting considered a post-exhibition report on the ECC Strategy on 24 April 2024, which includes a summary of issues raised during our recent community consultation. An audio recording of the meeting will be available on Council's website.

A redacted copy of the submissions received for this project can be viewed below under 'Document Library' > 'Exhibition Documents'.

Proposed Amendments

About the draft ECC Strategy

The draft ECC strategy sets a new vision for the ECC and makes recommendations on key built form outcomes including land uses, heritage conservation, maximum building heights, active street frontages, affordable housing, design excellence, community infrastructure and transport.

The ECC is a key local hub for our community. It acts as a gateway connecting the Woollahra Local Government Area to the Sydney CBD and more broadly to the eastern suburbs. The centre’s proximity to Edgecliff train station and bus interchange also makes it an ideal location for new homes and commercial uses.

Since 2010, Edgecliff has been the subject of numerous planning proposal requests for increases to the maximum Height of Buildings (HOB) and Floor Space Ratio (FSR) standards in the Woollahra Local Environmental Plan 2014 to facilitate new buildings with a dominant residential use. Ad-hoc planning proposal requests focus on a particular site, which can result in a fragmented and uncoordinated approach to planning.

Council has undertaken a strategic review of the planning controls for the ECC in order to provide a clear and coordinated approach to planning that will prevent ad-hoc development.

3D Modelling of preferred built form

Key elements of the draft ECC strategy are:

  • Heritage: Conserve and enhance existing heritage and transition the built form sensitively to the adjoining heritage conservation areas.
  • Land use: Support the ECC’s community and business role through minimum non-residential floor space, and focus commercial uses close to the train station.
  • Density: Provide opportunities for greater building heights and floor space. This will be subject to meeting certain criteria for site amalgamation, design excellence and delivery of community infrastructure.
  • Design excellence: Ensure that new development is of the highest standard of architectural and urban design
  • Community infrastructure: Require new development to contribute to new and upgraded community infrastructure.
  • Affordable housing: Require affordable housing at a minimum rate of 5% of new residential floor space.
  • Public domain: Enhance the public domain, encourage active transport infrastructure and facilitate urban greening.
  • Traffic and transport: Mitigate traffic impacts through infrastructure upgrades and encouragement of car sharing by reduced car parking requirements.

The draft ECC Strategy is accompanied by the Draft ECC Public Domain Plan which identifies potential public domain improvements in the ECC such as new public spaces, urban greening, pedestrian and cycling infrastructure to guide private and public investment in the future.

The draft strategy is also supported by technical consultant documents which provide a detailed analysis of economic, transport, planning and urban design matters.

Interactive Map

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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.



The live webinar has concluded. The recording can be viewed at the top right hand corner of this page.