The NSW Government is proposing to implement significant changes to housing in our area
The NSW Government’s proposed changes to planning for low and mid-rise housing highlight a complete lack of regard for existing housing density, local character, heritage conservation and local planning controls.
If implemented, the reforms would allow much larger, denser developments than are currently permitted within identified town centres such as Double Bay, Rose Bay and Edgecliff.
Proposed changes for our area:
- Increase in height for apartments and
mixed-use developments of 6 storeys within 400m of identified town
centres and 4
storeys within 800m, or with the addition of the Housing SEPP affordable housing bonus 8
storeys within 400m of identified town centres (not yet defined) and 6
storeys within 800m. Local controls of
bulk, scale, floor space ratio and setbacks would be disregarded.
- New targets for landscaping and tree canopy planting requiring less than Council’s current controls.
- Allow multi-dwelling housing (townhouses and terraces) and manor houses (two storey flats) in current low-density residential zones surrounding identified town centres (not yet defined).
- No guaranteed protection for heritage significant sites, conservation areas or environmentally sensitive land.
If the changes proceed they may allow a 221% increase in building height and a 462% increase in floor space ratio around town centres in our area, when we already have one of the highest housing densities in Australia.
The reforms would impact already heavily congested areas, and so far there has not been any additional state funding for infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, transport, roads, parks and open spaces. You can find out more on the Department of Planning’s website.
Mayor of Woollahra Councillor Richard Shields said: "These proposed reforms are a huge assault on our community and the way we live and to think that the Government believes they can just steamroll ahead with these changes with minimal consultation is offensive.
“Woollahra Council exceeded the Government’s five year housing target by 70% in 2022 and we are well on track to meet our 6-10 year target. If these changes go ahead we could see a 462% increase in floor space ratio and a 221% increase in building height in and around town centres in a municipality where we already have one of the highest housing densities in Australia, and that’s just not something we can live with.
“If we don’t act on this now we are going to see change forced on us that will have a devastating impact on future generations.
“Here we have proposed changes that threaten the heritage and character of our area where strategic planning, good urban design and local tree canopy are traded for a quick political win. There is no community benefit here, not one.
“I understand that we need to respond to a housing shortage and cost of living and affordable housing are big issues at the moment, but density without infrastructure is completely irresponsible and changes of this magnitude without proper consultation with councils and communities is arrogant and set to fail.”
Our submission to the NSW Government and how to have your say
Council has made a submission to the Government on this issue, highlighting our concern over the lack of regard for existing housing density, overshadowing, local character, existing tree canopy, heritage conservation and local planning controls as well as poor consultation. View it here.
Council's submission was discussed at the Council meeting on 26 February 2024. Listen to the recording of the meeting here and read page 67 of the minutes here.
You can also read our media release.
Have your say
The NSW Government public consultation on the proposed changes to the housing policy closed on Friday 23 February.
However we encourage residents who would like to give feedback on the proposed changes to make a submission:
By email to NSW Planning Low and Mid-rise Housing team
By email to The Hon Paul Scully MP Minister for Planning and Public Spaces
By email to The Hon Chris Minns MP Premier of NSW
Join the Save Your Suburb Rally on 12 March
Save Greater Sydney Coalition have organised a public protest against proposed reforms on Tuesday 12 March, 1pm. Protestors will meet in the Domain, Hospital Road behind NSW Parliament House.
Parliamentary inquiry on the development of the Transport Oriented Development Program
In addition to providing feedback on the state government proposed planning reforms, communities in NSW are invited to share their comments on proposed housing reforms to the parliamentary inquiry on the Development of the Transport Oriented Development Program. The closing date for submissions is 28 March 2024. Make a submission to the inquiry here.

Court Road, Double Bay - an artist impression showing building height and scale permitted under proposed state government changes