Planning for future housing and local character in our area.
After extensive community consultation in 2019, Council prepared our first ever Woollahra Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) 2020 to set a 20-year vision for land use planning across our area. After endorsement from the Greater Sydney Commission (GSC), the Woollahra LSPS 2020 came into effect on 31 March 2020.
Consistent with the vision and the actions in the Woollahra LSPS 2020, Council publicly exhibited the Draft Woollahra Local Housing Strategy 2021 and Draft Woollahra Affordable Housing Policy 2021.
These documents set out objectives and actions for housing and affordable housing across our area. All councils are required to prepare a local housing strategy and have this endorsed by the NSW Government.
In addition to the exhibition of these important documents, we also invited you to read our Local Character Discussion Paper and share your ideas on local character using our interactive map below. Ensuring housing reflects local character is critical to the liveability of our area now, and into the future. Your views on what’s important to you about local character in your area will help us update and strengthen our current local character provisions.
At its meeting of 25 October 2021, Council resolved to approve the Woollahra Local Housing Strategy 2021 and Woollahra Affordable Housing Policy 2021, subject to some minor amendments.
You can read the full Council resolution here.
Consistent with Council's resolution, the Woollahra Local Housing Strategy 2021 was then submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE). The DPE endorsed it on 11 March 2022.
Thank you to everyone that who made a submission and made a comment on the interactive map below. The exhibition is closed but you can still read the exhibition documents on this page, including an FAQ and links to important documents.
The public exhibition was open from Monday 23 August 2021 to Friday 1 October 2021.
To stay up-to-date with Council’s consultations, please register for Your Say Woollahra.
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