
Draft plans of management to be reported to the Strategic and Corporate Committee meeting on 21 June 2021

16 June 2021

Five draft Plans of Management (POMs) have now been prepared to cover the Crown land reserves as follows:

  1. A generic POM (covering land categorised as park, sportsground, general community use and natural area - foreshore at Bellevue Park, Camp Cove Reserve, Christison Park, Double Bay Beach, Forsyth Park, Lighthouse Reserve, Lyne Park (including Tingira Memorial Park), McKell Park, Robertson Park, Rose Bay Park, Rushcutters Bay Park, Samuel Park, Signal Hill Reserve, Sir David Martin Reserve (including Plantation Reserve), Steyne Park, Tea Gardens and Yarranabbe Park and including the full Your Say survey report and copies of all written submissions)
  2. A specific POM (necessitated by land consisting of critical habitat) for Gap Park and The Gunyah
  3. A specific POM (necessitated by land consisting of critical habitat) for Parsley Bay Reserve
  4. A specific POM (necessitated by land consisting of an area of cultural significance) for Rose Bay War Memorial
  5. A specific POM (necessitated by land consisting of critical habitat) for Trumper Park.

All five of these plans will be reported to Council's Strategic and Corporate Committee on Monday, 21 June, at which time it will be recommended to refer them to DPIE for review, prior to placing them on public exhibition. They are attached to the 21 June 2021 meeting agenda, found on the website: Strategic & Corporate Committee Agendas, Audio Recordings and Minutes(External link)(External link) and a hardcopy of each will also be available from 17 June 2021 at the customer service counter at Council Chambers, 536 New South Head Road, Double Bay.