
Review of draft POMS by DPIE

2 September 2021

At the Council meeting on 5/07/2021, it was resolved:

THAT Council forward the draft Plans of Management to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) as the owner of the land for review, in accordance with the Crown Land Management Act 2016 and Section 39 of the Local Government Act 1993 with the amended changes in the late correspondence to the Council meeting of 28 June 2021.


THAT following approval by DPIE, Council publicly exhibits the draft plans concurrently with the draft Recreation Strategy and draft Play Space Strategy.

Ideally, the draft documents would be placed on public exhibition as soon as possible after the conclusion of the current exhibition of three strategic planning documents.

Exhibition of these open space strategies may not however be possible for several more months, due to:

  • the unknown length of time for approval of the POMS from DPIE to proceed to public exhibition (DPIE has advised that it is continuing to receive and assess a large volume of draft POMS from across the state and that the department is unable to give a time frame for their review and approval to proceed to public exhibition)
  • the upcoming local government elections, which are due on 4 December, and the ‘caretaker period’ for Councils in the lead up to these elections
  • the Council engagement policy, which generally does not recommend public exhibitions being held during the Christmas / New Year period.

As soon as a date can be set for the public exhibition the website will be updated.