Rose Bay Promenade (DA) Submission
30 January 2019
This article explains how to make a submission to the development application for Rose Bay Promenade. Please read the information below and follow links. You can also read about how to make a comment or objection on Council's main website.
Before commenting on a proposed development, be sure you:
1. Understand the details of the proposed development
Typically the advertising notice for a proposed development does not contain enough information to make an assessment of the potential impacts. All materials submitted with a DA are open for public review at Council Chambers. Read the full Rose Bay Promenade DA by searching DA 152/2019.
2. Understand the development rules that apply to the proposed development
Typically a proposed development being advertised complies with all the development rules, but often there are good reasons why it may not. Be sure you understand both the intent and the specifics of a development and it’s associated rules before commenting.
3. Then make your comment or objection
Be sure you include the following in your submission:
- Quote in the subject heading the application number, the address of the site and the assessment officer's name.
- Contain your name, address, contact phone number and where possible your email address *.
- Clearly state the impacts that the proposal will have upon the amenity of your property or residence, preferably in point form.
- Where possible make positive suggestions as to how the development could be improved.
- Be relevant (civil disputes between neighbours or private rights such as covenants cannot be considered).
- Be with Council before 4:30pm on the closing date for submission (allow for postage delays).
- If necessary, a disclosure statement of a reportable political donation or gift made to any Councillor or a gift made to any Council employee.
You can download a Political donations and gifts disclosure statement form (PDF) which includes explanatory information. (NOTE: This requirement applies to submissions made on or after 1 October 2008)
Submissions must be in writing and are free. You can either:
Email your submission
Email your submission ( If you would like to attach supporting documents, please provide them in PDF format to ensure that we can open and read them. Please do not copy or print protect the files, as we like to be able to print and copy and paste from submissions into reports.
Post your submission
Woollahra Municipal Council
PO Box 61
Double Bay NSW 1360
Note: Faxed submissions are not acceptable. Online submissions will soon be available, in the mean time we encourage you to email your submissions.
4. Acknowledgement of your submission
We acknowledge every submission in writing to the address on the submission. If you don't get an acknowledgement letter within 5 days, please contact the assessment officer. We want to ensure your submissions are properly considered.
The Assessment Officer assigned to the DA will assess the application and consider each submission. If the assessment officer considers it necessary, they may contact you to request access to your property to view your concerns (so please always provide your contact details).
Where more than 3 objections on a DA are not resolved by the Assessment Officer and the Applicant, or the application is of a more complex nature, there is an escalation process where DAs are delegated to the Application Assessment Panel(AAP), Woollahra Local Planning Panel (WLPP) or the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel. More information about determination (approval or rejection).
5. Notice of determination
A Notice of Determination (approval or rejection) is given to the Applicant and to each person who made a comment or objection on the DA. The Notice of Determination sets out the terms of the consent, appeal rights and conditions. Or, in the case of a refusal, the reasons for refusal. More on how we make a determination.
As a general rule, objectors have no right of appeal on the merits of the determination.
*Privacy notice
The supply of personal information is voluntary. If personal information is not provided, Council may be limited in dealing with a submission. Submissions, summaries of submissions, and/or names and addresses of people making submissions may be included in publicly available reports to Council or Committee Meetings and Council's website.
Please note, in accordance with section 18(1)(b) of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW), you are advised that all submissions received by Council in relation to the subject development application will be placed on the appropriate Council file and may be disclosed to Councillors, Council Officers, consultants to Council or members of the public. In accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW), Council is required to allow inspection of all submissions received by Council in relation to development applications.