
WLPP Determination on Rose Bay Promenade (DA)

4 December 2019

The WLPP determined the Rose Bay Promenade (DA) on the 17 October 2019 where the Panel deferred the item, for the following reasons;

To enable the applicant to explore modifications to the design, which:

1. Prioritises the needs of pedestrians.

2. Provides an alternative bi-directional cycleway design to reduce pedestrian and cyclist conflicts.

3. Incorporates the kerb side parking area.

In response, the applicant made a submission to Council to reconsider the original application and prepared a memorandum addressing the concerns raised by the Panel.

At its meeting on 21 November 2019, the WLPP considered the deferred item and determined to approve the Rose Bay Promenade (DA) subject to conditions.