An amendment was made to the adopted Woollahra Community Participation Plan 2019. For further information, please refer to the Draft Woollahra Community Participation Plan (Amendment 1) page.
At its meeting of 25 November 2019 Council approved the Woollahra Community Participation Plan and the corresponding Woollahra Development Control Plan (Amendment 10). Read the full Council resolution here.
The Woollahra Community Participation Plan sets out how and when Council will engage with the community on planning matters under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. It applies to the entire Woollahra local government area.
Examples of planning matters the Woollahra Community Participation Plan will apply to include development applications, strategic plans and amendments to planning controls in the Woollahra DCP 2015.
The Woollahra Community Participation Plan does not change the current processes that guide how we engage with our community on planning matters, it simply combines them in a single document. All of our existing policies and processes for public exhibition, notification, advertising and community consultation on planning matters will be set out in the plan.
A corresponding amendment to the Woollahra DCP 2015 will remove all advertising and notification requirements for development applications that are in Chapter A2 of the Woollahra DCP 2015 and transfer them to the Woollahra Community Participation Plan. This amendment also applies to the entire Woollahra local government area.
The requirements for community participation, public exhibition and how to prepare a community participation plan apply to all Councils in NSW and are set out in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.
Thank you to everyone that who made a submission. The exhibition is closed but you can still read out exhibition documents on this page, including an FAQ and links to important documents.
The public exhibition was open from Wednesday 2 October 2019 to Friday 1 November 2019.
Submissions, summaries of submissions, and/or names and email addresses of people making submissions may be included in publicly available reports to Council or Committee Meetings and Council's website.
Please note, in accordance with section 18(1)(b) of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW), you are advised that all submissions received by Council will be placed on the appropriate Council file and may be disclosed to Councillors, Council Officers, consultants to Council or members of the public.
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Make an online submission
Make a submission to the Draft Community Participation Plan and Draft Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 (Amendment 10)
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.