At its meeting on 27 November 2023, Council resolved to adopt the Double Bay Centre Planning and Urban Design Strategy (Double Bay Strategy). Read the full Council resolution.
The public exhibition ran from 16 March 2022 to 27 May 2022.
Thank you to everyone who made a submission on the draft Double Bay Strategy. Your participation was valuable in helping to shape Council's planning controls to ensure they reflect the views of the whole community.
You can still find everything you need to know about the exhibition on this page, including FAQs and links to important documents.
The Double Bay Strategy is accompanied by a Background Report, updated Double Bay Centre Community Impact Statement and Community Consultation Summary Report. The documents can be viewed below under 'Document Library'> 'Endorsed Documents'.
In accordance with the Council decision, staff will prepare a planning proposal to implement the Double Bay Strategy, which will be reported to a meeting of the Woollahra Local Planning Panel (Woollahra LPP) for advice. The advice of the Woollahra LPP will then be reported to a future meeting of Council.
Strategic & Corporate Committee meeting
The Committee considered a post-exhibition report on the Double Bay Strategy on 30 October 2023, which includes a summary of issues raised during our recent community consultation. An audio recording of the meeting will be available on Council's website.
A redacted copy of the submissions received for this project can be viewed below under 'Document Library' > 'Exhibition Documents'.
About the draft Double Bay Strategy
Woollahra Council exhibited the Draft Double Bay Centre Planning and Urban Design Strategy, a document that will guide future development in the Double Bay Centre.
The Double Bay Centre is renowned for its village character, vibrant outdoor dining, and diverse mix of local businesses. Its proximity to Sydney Harbour and Edgecliff train station make it an attractive place for people to live, work, and visit.
The Centre is currently going through a built form transition. The purpose of the Double Bay Strategy is to ensure that this transition occurs in a coordinated way that reinforces Double Bay’s village character.
The draft Double Bay Strategy was informed by extensive three-dimensional built form modelling, public domain studies, and a detailed review of existing planning controls. It is accompanied by the Double Bay Transport Study and Draft Double Bay Community Impact Statement.
The draft Double Bay Strategy recommended built form strategies that aim to protect and preserve what is most loved about Double Bay, while providing a strengthened framework to guide future development in the Centre.
Why do we need a strategy for the Double Bay Centre?
It is important for Council and the community to be able to influence how, where, and to what density new development occurs in the future. The draft Double Bay Strategy provides the framework to achieve these aims.
A number of recent developments in the Double Bay Centre have been approved that exceed the height and density limits contained in Council’s current planning controls.
The draft Double Bay Strategy seeks to prevent the continuation of this type of ad hoc development and provide a clear vision to guide future development in the Double Bay Centre.
It contains recommendations to address what matters most to the local community, including protecting character and heritage, maintaining solar access to key public spaces, activating streets, promoting walkability, and creating a viable environment for local businesses to thrive.
The draft Double Bay Strategy is an opportunity to deliver a more coordinated approach to development in Double Bay.
Where does the Double Bay Strategy apply?
The Double Bay Strategy applies to review sites in the Double Bay Centre shown on the map below.
Double Bay Centre Planning and Urban Design Strategy study area
Certain sites within the Centre have been excluded as they have recently been redeveloped, are sites that need to provide a built form transition, or are buildings located in a heritage conservation area, or heritage items.
How does this relate to other Council projects?
The draft Double Bay Strategy complements Council's other projects including, the potential redevelopment of the Cross Street car park, and the heritage listings currently underway for buildings in the Double Bay Centre.
In late 2021, Council exhibited a draft planning and urban design strategy for the Cross Street Precinct, Double Bay. On 14 February 2022, Council resolved to exhibit the draft strategy that applies to the entire Double Bay Centre, which is the subject of this exhibition. All submissions received to both draft strategies were reported to the Strategic and Corporate Committee meeting on 30 October 2023. The Double Bay Strategy replaces the Cross Street Precinct Planning and Urban Design Strategy.