On 14 February 2022, Council resolved to exhibit a draft strategy that applies to the entire Double Bay Centre - see project page here.
At its meeting on 27 November 2023, Council resolved to adopt the Double Bay Centre Planning and Urban Design Strategy (Double Bay Strategy). Read the full Council resolution.
The adopted Double Bay Centre Planning and Urban Design Strategy now replaces the Draft Cross Street Precinct Planning & Urban Design Strategy.
Strategic & Corporate Committee meeting
On 30 October 2023, the Strategic & Corporate Committee considered a post-exhibition report on the Double Bay Strategy, which includes a summary of issues raised during the community consultation for the Draft Cross Street Precinct Planning & Urban Design Strategy. An audio recording of the meeting will be available on Council's website.
A redacted copy of the submissions received for this project can be viewed below under 'Document Library' > '
Exhibition documents'.
This consultation has now concluded. Thank you for your feedback.
Council has exhibited the Draft Cross Street Precinct Planning and Urban Design Strategy (Draft Strategy).
The Draft Strategy provides a comprehensive planning and urban design framework to guide the future development of the Cross Street Precinct as a vibrant and connected place in the heart of Double Bay.
Significantly, the Draft Strategy reaffirms Council’s commitment to maintaining the existing planning controls and vision for the future of the surrounding Double Bay Centre area as a stylish bayside village.
The Draft Strategy applies to ‘review sites’ on the southern side of Cross Street, between Knox Lane and Bay Street, Double Bay (refer to the map below). The Draft Strategy provides a proactive planning approach that will help to integrate the review sites with recently completed development in the Cross Street Precinct.
In summary, the Draft Strategy recommends permitting six-storey development on the review sites in the Cross Street Precinct, with two levels of non-residential use and four levels of residential apartments above. This is accompanied by requirements for street level activation, building setbacks, a diverse unit mix and design excellence to facilitate a vibrant street that maintains the village character of Double Bay.
The Draft Strategy seeks to ensure that future development improves the liveability and economic function of the Precinct, creating a great place for people to live, work and visit.
The Draft Strategy is supported by the Double Bay Transport Study 2021 and the Draft Cross Street Precinct Community Impact Statement. These supporting documents identify the potential traffic and community impacts arising from the recommendations of the Draft Strategy.
The Draft Strategy was on public exhibition from Wednesday 17 November 2021 until 4.30pm on Friday 17 December 2021.
The feedback we received during public exhibition will be reported to Council before it makes a decision about proceeding with the Draft Strategy.
The public exhibition of the Draft Strategy is the first step in planning for the future of the Cross Street Precinct. There will be future opportunities to provide your feedback on any draft planning controls for the Cross Street Precinct.
Key objectives of the Draft Strategy
- To facilitate development of an integrated streetscape consistent with the desired future character of Double Bay.
- To encourage more non-residential floor space to provide employment and economic opportunities.
- To promote a fine-grain and human-scale built form that demonstrates design excellence.
- To maximise active frontages at street level to create a distinctive place identity.
- To facilitate enhanced pedestrian connectivity and opportunities for active transport.
- To encourage a mix of uses that foster an economically and socially diverse community.
- To promote a residential unit mix that provides live/work opportunities and more affordable price points.
- To enhance the Precinct’s village atmosphere and sense of community connection.
- To facilitate built form designs that incorporate sustainability principles.
- To assist the delivery of the Woollahra Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 and Woollahra Local Housing Strategy 2021.
You can find everything you need to know about the exhibition on this page, including FAQs and links to supplementary information.
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