Woollahra Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020

Earlier this year we invited you to share what you love about our area and your aspirations for the future. Your feedback helped us write the Woollahra Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020. Watch our video.

At its meeting of 24 February 2020 Council approved the Woollahra Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 subject to amendments relating to matters such as urban heat, tree canopy and urban forest, local character and walking paths. Read the full Council resolution here.

A letter of support was issued by the Greater Sydney Commission allowing Council to proceed to finalisation. The Woollahra Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 commences on 31 March 2020.

The Woollahra Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 sets out a 20-year vision and planning priorities for:

  • managing future land use across our area
  • preserving our community's values and the special characteristics of our area.

It will support and guide our planning controls to help ensure our area continues to be a great place to live, work, play and visit.

Thank you to everyone that participated and made a submission. Your participation is essential for helping ensure that our Woollahra Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 reflects the aspirations and values of our whole community.

The exhibition is closed but you can still read the Draft Woollahra Local Strategic Planning Statement as exhibited and find out more in our FAQs and links to important related documents.

The public exhibition was open from Wednesday 25 September 2019 to Friday 8 November 2019.

This consultation was limited to the land use planning matters within the scope of the Draft Woollahra Local Strategic Planning Statement. You will have the opportunity to have your say on other Council matters like transport, environment and community in other consultations.


Submissions, summaries of submissions, and/or names and email addresses of people making submissions may be included in publicly available reports to Council or Committee Meetings and Council's website.

Please note, in accordance with section 18(1)(b) of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW), you are advised that all submissions received by Council will be placed on the appropriate Council file and may be disclosed to Councillors, Council Officers, consultants to Council or members of the public.

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Make an online submission

Draft Woollahra Local Strategic Planning Statement: Submission Form

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.