At its meeting of 26 October 2020, Council approved the planning proposal to list the Rose Bay Sewage Pumping Station (SPS 46) and gates at 13 Collins Avenue, Rose Bay (Lot 2 DP 512907) as a local heritage item in Schedule 5 of the Woollahra Local Environmental Plan 2014 (Woollahra LEP 2014).

Read the full Council resolution here.

Following Council's resolution, the amendment was notified by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on 23 December 2020. Woollahra LEP 2014 (Amendment No. 17) came into force on the day it was notified. You can view the amendment on the NSW Legislation website.

The amendment to the Woollahra LEP 2014 involves the listing of the Sewage Pumping Station (SPS 46), including interiors and moveable heritage, and sandstone gate posts and metal gates, as a local heritage item. Heritage listing will provide ongoing protection and recognition of the heritage significance of the item.

A detailed description of the heritage significance of the item is included in the supporting documents to the planning proposal, particularly the Assessment of Heritage Significance prepared by Woollahra Council.

The planning proposal has proceeded through a public exhibition phase and a draft LEP is now being prepared to amend Woollahra LEP 2014. The Council has been authorised by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to make the LEP under section 3.36 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Thank you to everyone who made a submission on this planning proposal. The exhibition period is now closed but all of the exhibition materials are still available to view on this page.

The public exhibition was open from Monday 29 June 2020 to Friday 14 August 2020.

To stay up-to-date with Council’s consultations, please register for Your Say Woollahra.


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Please note that, in accordance with section 18(1)(b) of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW), you are advised that all submissions received by Council in relation to any matter will be placed on the appropriate Council file and may be disclosed to Councillors, Council Officers, consultants to Council or members of the public.

Pursuant to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) the Council may be obliged to allow inspection of its documents, including any submissions you may make.


Would you like to make a submission to the proposed heritage listing of the Sewage Pumping Station (SPS 46) and gates at 13 Collins Avenue, Rose Bay? Required
How would you like to make your submission? Required

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.